Saturday, April 15, 2006

Nothing can be done except little by little.

I shouldn’t be surprised that hams can do voip over thier transceivers.

The titanic sank today. Wallace Hartley led Titanic's band till the final moments of the titanic. His family was billed for the loss of his uniform. If Titanic happened today lawyer would kick white star but.

Charles Baudelaire was an interesting guy. He wrote essay and poems. His buddy edgar allen poe (no suprise). Here is a poem of his called ghost...

SOFTLY as brown-eyed Angels rove I will return to thy alcove, And glide upon the night to thee, Treading the shadows silently. And I will give to thee, my own, Kisses as icy as the moon, And the caresses of a snake Cold gliding in the thorny brake. And when returns the livid morn Thou shalt find all my place forlorn And chilly, till the falling night. Others would rule by tenderness Over thy life and youthfulness, But I would conquer thee by fright!


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